You can also combine these elements: give a friend a flashlight, take a picture for a minute or two, and let your friend move around, turning the flashlight on themselves as they move around.
Here's an example:
Or, have your friend make patterns in the air with the flashlight:
This picture is one I took for a photography (Darkroom Photography) class I'm taking this semester. This is me on my boardwalk outside my apartment, looking out at the night sky. I put the camera on the tripod, and set it behind me; framed the shot, set the camera to bulb, and pushed the cable release down so it would stay down for as long as I desired. I then walked into the frame, posed for 20 seconds or so, and walked back to the camera and ended the shot. I ended up with a ghostly effect:
It should be noted the light from this photo is from the building's floodlight.
In general, I would like to add more portraits of people to my portfolio, and especially photos taken at night. I think the effects you can get are pretty cool!